Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Lil' Stinker

Happy Halloween!

yes, that is right....I am a tree car freshener.

Ok, here is me in a cute outfit, no making fun of me!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Costume Preview

If my Dad had a choice and could dress me up for Halloween....this would be my costume. He calls it "the 80 year old man." No shirt, velour pants, bald and flabby skin. Please check my blog Tuesday for the "official costume." I promise it will be worth it!

And for your viewing pleasure....Gus in his costume.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Holy Oscar!

Today I had my baptism, and I didn't even cry!

Here are my Godparents, Uncle Chris and Aunt Amy.

Here is me with my Godparents and Mom & Dad. Uncle Chris is standing next to the pitcher he had use to pour the holy water from. The pastor said he had to make it sound really "watery."

Lots of water on my head.

And I am blessed!

Here we are pretending like we know what we are doing.

This is my family that joined me for brunch...I am in there somewhere!
What is Uncle Corey doing to my cousin Cameron?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hot Shot?

Today I got my 2 month shots. Why did my Mom feel the need to capture this event?

Here is me before.

Here is the video of me getting my shots.....

And here is me after.

I am glad that is over!!!!!
I was 12lbs and 24 inches long.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

What a day!

I turned 2 months old today, and what an eventful day!
I first met G-cubed. Great Grandma Giancana

She wasn't really a fan of my name...check out the video!

In this picture she is removing all the curses on me! WTF! My Grandma told me "it's an Italian thing" uh...ok.

Then we went back to Grandma's. And she wanted me to ride her dogs. (They aren't real) Uh, I guess it is "an Italian thing"

Friday, October 13, 2006


Whoa! I will be 2 months tomorrow and this toy said I couldn't use it until I was 3 months old. I am already breaking the rules! I wish my socks were on all the way...thanks Mom!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I feel used.

Mom made a bet with her friend Tim that Michigan State would beat Notre Dame this year. They lost and so did I. I now have to wear this outfit for every Notre Dame game for the rest of the season. I will wear it with my MSU socks though!

Friday, October 06, 2006

I Walk the Line

So, since I was about 3 weeks old I have been digging this standing thing. I can't get enough of it. I promise I will walk before I crawl....oh you just wait. I am almost 2 months old in these pictures and please excuse the devil eyes.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Big brother luv

Gus likes to lick my bald head when I am sleeping, he really doesn't pay much attention to me when I am awake. I guess I annoy him with my crying and cooing. I know he secretly loves me, so that is all that matters to me.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Never say Never....

Dad told Mom that Baby Bjorn's were the stupidest thing ever invented and he made fun of people who wore them. Check out the pic!


Mom and Dad went to the Bears game with Aunt Amy and Uncle Chris....all I got was a Bears outfit and this picture. By the way the Bears won 37-6 and beat the Seahawks.