Monday, December 31, 2007

Adios '07

What a way to end the year! Yesterday I went to my Dad's friends house. They had a pair of old cowboy boots they pulled out for me. Sorry Uncle Corey....I hate wearing cowboy boots.

Also, my Mom was soooo happy that I have found my love for ranch dressing as much as she does!

And earlier in the day, my Mom thought I would like to draw.....with markers. Our wood floors are happy that they were washable.

Well everyone, I hope you have a safe and happy new year eve's. My Mom tivoed "Happy Feet" and "Over the Hedge" for me to watch when I wake up early in 2008!



Thursday, December 27, 2007

The day after

Man I have been going and going this holiday season! Yesterday I met up with MORE family! Here is my cousin Gregory that lives in California, I know I asked him about Britney for all of us!

Yep, he has more hair than me and he is 6 months younger than me-

And he has great taste...we have the same jacket!

I know, who needs a puffy jacket in Cali (you know it is all for the lords of fashion, can you blame him?)

Then my cousin Izzy and I played in this huge jungle gym she has! It is like having a park in your house!

I love presents

Ahh, the joys of Christmas. Presents, food, family....well, for me it is mostly presents.
Christmas Eve is my CeCe's birthday.
Here is the present cake we got for her!

And she got my cousins Matt & Cami and me some super comfy is our Croc pic.

Christmas day it was off to Glamma's house.

She gave us all silly string in our stockings, I don't find it so silly......

Dad & I got some matching shirts! His says "Big Guy" and mine says "Little Guy"

The arm by my Dad's neck was not included.

Then we had a HUGE family dinner. There was tons of "adult" talk, so I found this old school electric piano.

I literally screamed my head off when my parents tried to pull me away from it.


I have a computer! Back to blogging! Ok, so first things first. I had a wonderful Christmas-it started out great with the Bears beating the Packers! Mom, Dad, Uncle Chris & Aunt Amy braved the -20 degree weather to see the game. Uncle Chris was on the Weather Channel! Uninvited of course!

Here are some pics from the day-
Mom starting it out at 8am with some bubbly!

I cannot wait to tailgate!

Uncle Chris came home and told me about this pic and this car he wanted for Christmas.....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

On the fifth day of Christmas....

my laptop exploded! Yep-for the second year in a row, we have lost our computer over the holidays. I am giving you this update via my Mom's Blackberry. We should have the computer back after Christmas so you can see my wonderful holiday experiences. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanakah! Happy Kwanza! Happy Festivas! To all of you!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wii were in Dallas!

Hey guys! We just got back from visiting my Uncle Corey & Aunt Kate in Dallas, Texas.

On Saturday it was my Uncle's birthday, so here we are doing the "birthday dance."

And then we were the crazies that drove all over Texas to find a Wii!

So we got thrii! (that is 3)

Here is Uncle Corey & I setting it up!

And Aunt Kate gave me some pretty awesome toys-like Go Diego Go!


We did a ton of lounging, here is my family chillin' on the big Texas couch.

Friday, December 14, 2007

16 months old today!

Today I am a bit closer to having my Mom finally say, "Oscar is 1 1/2 years old."
Aren't you sick of this months junk?
Well, it is also my Glamma's birthday and we won't get into how many months old she is....

Here I am today.

AND here is a great video of Gus drinking my milk out of my sippy cup!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A big fat WHATEVER!

So after Mom & Dad tried for a week straight trying to get a "perfect" Christmas card picture.....Gus & I finally agree to cooperate. Yeah, AFTER the cards went out.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I am ONE! (it was 4 months ago!)

I am now "trying" to say ONE and can show you I am ONE. My Mom was trying to get me to do it over and over again, but I was bit distressed in this video-I almost fell off the side of the couch!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Buyer Beware

Mom and Dad got me (and themselves) an early Christmas present. They ordered a bean bag chair online and now we have a blob that is bigger than our couch!!!! But, let me tell you, watching Shrek in this thing aint bad at all!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Gettin' Down!

I must tell you again how ADDICTED I am to Shrek and all the songs. I get a bit crabby when I don't hear them blasting in my brain 24-7. Here is some dancing I do first thing in the morning....what is my Mom going to do with me all winter long!?!?!

Here I am dancing with Gus.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I am bit picky and nosey

Sorry I haven't been blogging, I have been watching a whole bunch of Shrek. Not Shrek 2 and don't even ask me about Shrek 3. SHREK. That is it. So, Dad had to run out and pick up the soundtrack of Shrek, so I can function in other settings without losing my mind. Here I am taking a little afternoon, yeah you get it. Well, now I know where my belly, head, ears, eyes and NOSE are. Here I am "pointing" out my nose for you, Mom grabbed the camera after was digging for a while. (Yes, in the video that is the Shrek soundtrack in the background)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A sucker a day....

Today Mom took me to the doctor for my 15 month shots. She persuaded me with a Dum Dum sucker to distract me from noticing the sharp pointy things that went into my leg.

I then tried to motify my good ol' friends (Anna, Teddy, Zea, Jack, Charlie, Max, and Jake) medical records on our doctor's screen.....if any of you are reading this. You are due for a set of shots and a rectal exam. Sorry, doctor's orders.


Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Doesn't today sound like a scary day? The only thing scary is realizing that we all gained about 5lbs from eating yesterday. I still scream when I hear that people actually got up to go to Kohl's at 4 a.m......come on people!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble. Gobble.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am so thankful that all of you come and visit me and see how I am doing....and what I am getting myself into. I hope you all had a wonderful day covered with gravy and cranberries.

My uncle Corey & aunt Kate flew in from Dallas, so I got to play with them on my first stop in Naperville.
Here I am with uncle Corey rollin' around and playing.

And here is the Kat Klan.....sorry stop #2 family members, we forgot the camera in the car :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Braidy Bunch

I have just a bunch of hair in the back of my head and my Mom gets a bit creative with it.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Gus!!!!

Today Gus is 5 years old. We have had great time together and I just love my best friend and big brother. Have a great day Gus!

Don't worry he is just yawning, not trying to bite my head off.

Friday, November 16, 2007

How it's done.

Many of you ask how I start my day and get my blog done with all my activities. Well, this is a little sneak peak into I am just getting over my sickness and watching some videos on, then off to updating my blog. TGIF!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

15 months today!

Hey guys, sorry for not updating my blog.
Me and my whole family have been sick since Friday. We are Comcast Cable's new spokespeople, "the Sickley's."
We replaced "the Slowsky's"

Here I am looking all sick with some crusty snot by my eye-great pic!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Bloggy Bloggerton

Here I am on my friend Charlie's blog...and he has 2 older brothers Max & Jake. Don't get too surprised that our blogs look the same (somebody's Mom liked my design)

Body Double

Yesterday my buddy Jackson came to visit me. We went to the park, trashed my bedroom and had our Moms chase after us. Can you believe we are 7 weeks apart exactly and we were the same exact weight and height when we were born?!?!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Early Morning Snack

Last night I went over to my friend Charlie's house and played Guitar Hero. I was out late and woke up early thinking about all the fun I had. Mom & I hung out and I am just eating a plum thinking about my next rift.

By the way-Check out Charlie on the NBC 5 Chicago news in the morning Friday, Nov 9th....he is turning ONE!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Al Green?

Most of you know that the past couple of weeks I can not get enough of "Al Green." I am now looking at pictures of myself and saying it....maybe I just thinking of Britney & K-Fed....."Let's Stay Together" Who knows!?!?!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Ultimate Exposure

I am getting around people. Here I am in ANOTHER website! Don't worry, it will be awhile before I start charging for autographs and apperances.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Belated!

Yesterday was Mom's 30th birthday. Here is a picture of us and before her night got crazy.... (We were dressed up for Halloween)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Here a shout out to my main man. What a stud!

Love you Dad!


Oscar (and Mom)

Meet the Parker

Yesterday Mom took me to the park. We were surprised to see that we were the only ones there, but then we realized the temperature outside and that answered it. It was COLD!!!! I usually run up the stairs and go down the slide the whole time, but I discovered this train. Yeah, there is nothing special about it. Just a stationery train....ah, the mind of a one year old.

Mom was mad that I took off my hat for this picture and threw it in the sandbox....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Big Mouth

So, now I can say 4 words. Dadda, Gus, Dog & Oscar. Let me just tell you that my Mom is a bit jealous. I go around all day saying my name, but when she gets the camera.....I clam up a bit. Around 14 seconds(or -20) in this video, I am saying my name.
(Told you so Uncle Chris!!!!)

Awwww, remeber the old times when I would say the first letter of my name....

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I told Mom I did not want to pose next to her Princess Potato-head Pumpkin.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

14 on the 14th.

Today I am 14 months old!
Last night I went bowling for the first time. Actually, I just ate ice out of everyone's drinks and watched on the sidelines.
Here's to the countdown to 2!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Around the Coyote

Today I woke up with a 101.7 degree fever, but I managed to pull through the day to make it to "Around the Coyote" in Bucktown.
Mom & Dad weren't convinced I was well enough to brave the autumn night when they saw this pic.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Oscar, Oscar pumpkin eater.

Yesterday we went to the "Pumpkin Factory" as my Dad says. We went to Goebbert's to check out the gourds. I wouldn't know, but hanging in a pumpkin patch in 90 degree weather in October with camels you can ride, is kinda not what I pitcured in fall.

Here I am in a sea of pumpkins

and here I am with Dad with his "Bears pumas" and I must say they brought us some luck! I'd rather be a pumpkinhead than a cheesehead any day.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Unhonorable Mention

I know that I have been keeping pretty quiet about this whole Cubs thing. I didn't want to jinx them, but now who gives a flying dirty diaper. Here are my World Series tickets if the Cubs made it and Mom & Dad gladly gave them to me to destroy.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I got skillz to pay the billz.... my Mom & Dad are hoping.
Eat your heart out Tiger Woods.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Costume Release!

I tried so hard (for like 3 days) to keep my Halloween costume a secret, but I can't!!!! It is too good. I have to share it with you all. Don't worry there will be more pictures with me in it during the rest of the month.....

Sunday, September 30, 2007

And we ran....we ran so far away.....

This morning Mom, Dad & I ran the Bucktown 5k. Mom ran with me in my stroller. We don't know if it is a jogging stroller, but for 3.1 miles today it was. We all did great!

Here I am powering up after the race.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


There is something about this orange frosted covered popcorn that drives me crazy!
I love it and will do anything to get it!

Friday, September 28, 2007

No pictures please!

This is my paparazzi photo.