Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hide n Seek

I was playing a game of Hide and Seek with my Dad and he was in the best spot ever.....
MY CRIB! I had to get in and join him.

I don't care what the weight capacity is, I just like that I can use him to climb and touch high things.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Pack Man

I took some time from packing my boxes for the move to pose for a Friday pic.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Bruised Ego

Yesterday I ran and jumped off 6 wooden stairs. Thankfully, my nose caught my fall. My Mom first thought I had a concusion, then a broken nose. I was just mad that I didn't land my jump and tried to attempt it again this morning....and darnit, my Dad caught me this time. I promise to get video when the parents aren't around to ruin my fun.


This morning....

Monday, April 14, 2008

Color me 20 months

My Dad & Gus aren't too happy about my 20 month pedicure Mom gave me....I seriously demanded it.
I agreed that Mom could take a picture of just my toes, but I got really mad and embarrassed when she included my face.
Mom & I made a promise to Dad that my "present" would be removed ASAP.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bye Uncle Corey!

My Uncle Corey came into town this weekend from Dallas and we got to hang on Saturday & Sunday. Have a safe trip back....hope you have better luck on American Airlines than the rest of the United States citizens have!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hairy Kat

Today I got my first haircut. I think when I woke up from my nap and my Mom saw this....
it was time to go to the barber.

Here I am in the chair gettin' ready

and doin' the deed

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rock Chalk Champions!

Holy Crap did you watch that game last night?!?!
The Kansas Jayhawks won-yippee!
I woke up at 11:30pm because of all the screaming in my house and my neighborhood.
But as you all know my Dad is a Kansas Alumni, so he is pretty happy today!

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Come on baby light my FIRE!

Today I went over to the place that makes a sweet lil' sound in my ears about 15 times a day.
I got a personal tour of the Chicago Fire Department in Bucktown.
Here is my Dad & I in engine #28.

These are the 2 fire trucks that represent Bucktown- #28 & #35

Happy Belated Matt!

Sorry I have been flaking this week. I went to the Lincoln Park zoo on Wednesday with my cousins Cameron & Matt. His birthday was yesterday 4-4, and I forgot to give him a shout out, so here is my belated birthday kiss for my buddy.