Saturday, March 31, 2007

Detriot Playa

This weekend I have my long distance girlfriend Annabella, in town visiting from Michigan. Don't worry our parents are making us sleep in seperate cribs. We love playing together and teasing Gus. I am still opening to dating anyone local.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Where's my PS3?

My playroom got relocated to my Dad's playroom. I am trying to figure out how to ditch my Leap Frog, learn this machine, and not strangle myself in these wires.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

False Alarm

Uh, her camera works and I am less than thrilled to start back on the 20 photos a day.

To quote Axl Rose,

"Just a little patience...."

Mom's camera broke when she was in Vegas. (that is a good thing, right?) So, you can't see any updates on me. I now have 4 front teeth and I am HUGE! New camera and pictures to be posted soon.

Thanks for sticking with me.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vegas baby!

So, my parents are heading off to Vegas for a couple of days and taking my computer. I am going to be hanging at my Glamma's house, and there won't be any updates to my blog for a while because....."What ever happens at Glamma's, stays at Glamma's."

You will hear from me soon!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dear Groundhog,

Didn't you see your shadow last month? When are we getting some warm weather, so I don't have to wear my penguin suit to stay warm? Let me know.


Oscar the Penguin

Monday, March 19, 2007

Lame Weekend.

Yeah it was St. Patrick's Day weekend, but all we did was watch 12 hours of basketball each day. Good for Kansas (Dad went there,) bad for Michigan State (Mom went there.....and I will too) So I just chilled on my rocket and watched the ball go back and forth.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Stroller? No, Stroll Him.

I hate this cold weather! I was going for tons of walks in my stroller when it was so warm the last couple of days. Well, I am gonna figure out how to get this thing out the door and Gus is going to drag me down the sidewalk.

But first I have to figure out this gate thing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another month bites the dust.

Hey guys! I am 7 months old today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cry Me a River

Sorry this post is so late for today. My Mom wants me to feel sorry for her because she went to the Justin Timberlake concert last night and is tired today. And this is what I did to her shirt, used it as a little floor matt. It is not a bad picture covering up his name...I just didn't want to give Mom's boyfriend a complete shout out on MY site.

And for all of you that couldn't make it to see JT, this is for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Watch out ladies, I move FAST.

To quote my Glamma..." I don't think Oscar got his accelerated skills from our part of the family." I think I will take that as a compliment. I am only 6.5 months and I swear I play with this toy for a while "if" no one distracts me. Thanks Mom.

Friday, March 09, 2007

I'm kind of a big deal.

I just discovered that I have an admirer in Los Angeles. I am hoping some talent agency finds me so I can be the new "Oscar in the Middle," "Drake and Oscar," or "Oscar the Explorer." Don't worry I won't forget about all you that were with me from the beginning, I might need some members for my "Oscourage."

Here is the link....

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Tonight Mom and Dad took me to their favorite rib joint, Twin Anchors. They told me there was only one rule, POSITIVELY, NO DANCING. It was so hard to follow. Here I am getting into the groove....but I didn't notice the sign in the back.

After I heard some good songs on the jukebox. Dad pulled me up to the sign to remind me of what I promised NOT to do, but I was just closing my eyes and slow dancing to some smooth tunes.

We were politely told to pay our check and take that dancing baby to Crobar.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ivory and Ivory

Sometimes when I play with my friend Jackson, I feel like I am looking a mirror because we look the same.

(I am the handsome kid on the left)

Monday, March 05, 2007

DNA test please

Can someone please tell me where I got these funky feet from?

Friday, March 02, 2007

Moving on UP!

Yep, I can now pull myself up to a standing position. I want to try my new skill out on anything I can find.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Moving on down?

Today is a big day for me, or should I say TONIGHT will be a big night for me. My parents lowered my crib mattress to the last level. I guess they finally got the point when I was sitting up when I woke up this morning and trying to jump out, or maybe it was when I was eating the wires to my video camera monitor. Anyways, this is me in my modified crib.

And this is the view from on top. Seems like a long way for my Mom to bend to get me out, but hey...that is not my problem!