Friday, December 19, 2008

Sad Attempt

So we tried to build a gingerbread house...started off ok, but we gave up after our house and newborn were covered in frosting and Nerds.
Here is Oscar neatly organizing our candy...seems all good at this point. Hendrix helped by managing the situation.

We got our foundation built!

Ok, here is Mom's side of the house. We got a "K" in the roof and banana shingles.

And here is Oscar's "sucked" on Runt. He tried to place is strategically all over the house, but it is now landscaping.

Finally, Oscar's side of the house. Look at all the candy everywhere!!! Maybe we will finish this thing, but it maybe be bird food soon.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Finally, a reason to have 2 kids.

Ah, Oscar is officially trained to take care of Hendrix.
He charges $10 an hour, changes diapers, feeds babies and entertains them.

I also wanted to post Oscar & Andy's gingerbread man they made at an event in downtown Hinsdale.

Please notice.
1. Andy's gum on the side of the plate.
2. The gingerbread man is missing a leg, because Andy took a bite then remembered I told him to take pictures!

And finally, an updated picture of Hendrix.

Today he is 5 weeks old...and I am guessing 11 pounds.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Early Christmas Present....

Of course Dad has to buy and give presents before Christmas. He bought the boys a train to go around the Christmas tree, but we like it better in the middle of our living room. We figured out how to make it much it sets off our fire alarm. And, we can't figure out how to turn down the you can hear it in the garage it is so loud. Perfect, smoke and noise for a one month old! Mom is so excited!!!!

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanks that is it OVER!

Was Thanksgiving weekend the longest weekend of Hendrix's life....uh yes. We are happy the festivities are over, but now the Christmas craziness has begun.
Here are some pics from Thanksgiving
Here is Oscar monitoring his cousin Matt feeding his bro.

And we are wondering if people make money playing the piano, we were banking on this kid being "the athlete."

And here is the Kat Klan at Thanksgiving.

O & H hanging and watching tv and ignoring everyone.....on our "free" day Friday.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Week 2

We are slowly making attempts to capture a "Christmas card moment." But, these are some pretty good shots of Oscar holding Hendrix, and he hasn't caused any major bodily harm yet!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Uncle Guac!

Hendrix got to meet the famous Uncle Guac last Friday.
He was kinda disappointed that Hendrix hadn't learned how to walk yet,
so he tried to help him along.

Then Aunt Amy wanted a pic with her nephews.....oh Uncle Guac!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Hendrix is only 10 days old and has almost gained a pound. He is now 8lbs 8oz.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brothers? You tell me.

Here is a picture of Oscar when he was 1 week old.

Here is a picture of Hendrix - 1 week old.

One week!

We made it! Hendrix is still alive after one week and our house is still standing too! Oscar has only managed to steal his pacifer and sleep in his moses basket every 10 minutes.

And Hendrix got to watch his first Bears game....and we told him it was pretty much the outcome we expected.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day One Complete

Hendrix and Oscar are getting use to each other. Oscar demanded the baby sleep in his crib last night and makes sure he is wearing his hat at all times. And, he only poked him in the eyes 7 times-phew!

Monday, November 10, 2008

He's HERE!

Baby boy Kat #2 HENDRIX was born today at 7:56 a.m. He was 8lbs and 19.5 inches long.
Here is Mom right before Dad drove her to the hospital.

And here are some pics of baby Hendrix.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Adios Only Childhood

Well, I celebrated one of my last nights as an only child at my cousin Cami's birthday party. Here I am enjoying some cake and ice cream for the pending arrival of my brother, and oh yeah, Cami's 10th birthday. Mom & Dad are heading to the hospital tonight and my bro will be born Monday morning. Keep checking in for pictures and updates.

Thanks for hanging with me when I was a solo dude kickin' it here on the internet.

Friday, November 07, 2008


Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that my baby brother will be entering the world Monday, November 10th. At that time, my blog will turn into OUR blog. Believe me, this isn't what I wanted, but my fans have spoken and I guess you are all lazy butts and don't want to remove my web address from your favorites. Soooo, we are gonna add the "new kid" to my blog, but change the title. So, keep checking Monday for updates and pictures of my baby brother! I will try to post one final entry before D-Day.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Go Fish!

Dad has been really getting into this fishing thing since we moved to the burbs. It isn't like we moved to Minnesota. He went to get some bait and they sold him goldfish!!!! Mom and I are trying to convince him to let us keep them as pets....aren't they so cute!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

After many pieces of Starburst, Dad (the gorilla) convinced me (the banana) to get in my Halloween costume.
I think it lasted a total of 45 seconds.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Follow up to Talking to Animals

This is for you all that watched my previous video...I can't get enough of this stuff!

Monday, October 20, 2008

What up Goat! I like your beard, tell your Mom I said Hi.

Well, at least my parents are getting their money worth for my school.
Today they had a Fall Festival, and I got to play with a ton of animals.
I especially liked the giraffe - a.k.a. llama, he was my favorite.

Crazy Goats...trying to steal the attention.

Oscar talks to Animals

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ahhh the Birds, I mean Burbs.

Only in the suburbs can a bird get stuck in your garage.
Dad put on a glove to catch it so he wouldn't get bird flu....
we have all been pretty sick around here.

Then we did our daily lawn raking. I swear it rains leaves out here.
I tell Dad to rake the leaves, then I jump in a pile of them.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 08

Yesterday we went to Johansen's Pumpkin Patch.
It was a fun little adventure.
I got to feed horses, pigs, goats, cows, chickens and donkeys.
Here I am playing with the chicks....yeah, they dig me.

Then Dad & I went on a hayride and then down this huge bouncing slide, it was killer.

Finally, it was pumpkin time.
I liked to climb all over them, then kick them, and throw them...
I really need to know if they are going to last the OscarKat test of time.