Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pre-Labor Day

No, today is not the day before my baby brother is born. It is just August 31st. Today Mom and I went to Chicago to meet up with her friends for lunch, while Dad & Uncle Corey went to the Cubs game. I ran around the restaurant and Sarah made me pose for this pic.

I am sad to say that we have ANOTHER camera malfuction,
so we are out of commission until it is either repaired or Mom gets an iPhone.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Having Da Fun with De Sweedes

Today Mom took me to the wonderland of IKEA. Yeah, we managed to buy a ton of useless crap that we had to build ourselves and figure out where to put it all. She bought me this blue kinda wierd snake thing. She said it was going to be for Christmas, but when I ripped it open and played with it....kinda ruined the surprise.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

An Apple a Day

Today I went to the doctor for my 2 year check-up. Here I am getting my blood taken. I didn't cry when I got poked with the needles or got a shot. I only cried when I had to get on the scale. My Mom made me feel better and told me she cries when she has to get weighed at the doctor's office too.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to an End.

Birthday week has officially ended. I had a huge bash last night. I had all my best friends & family there, an awesome cake and a moonwalk jumper. I was jumping for about 5 hours straight and my Mom could not get one clear picture of me (if anyone has any of those pics please send them over!) Here is my cool cake.

Here I am during my "Happy Birthday" song.

And a final good bye from me. Yes, I am wearing a shirt with the #2 on it.

THANK YOU everyone for celebrating with me!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am 2 years old today!!!!

Yep, 2 years ago I made my debut into this crazy world. I haven't exactly got the finger gesture down for 2, so my Mom taped my fingers. Don't worry it is only until I turn 3 people!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wiggle This.

The celebration of birthday week has begun. Tonight I went to see the Wiggles with Mom, Glamma & CeCe. Yeah, it was pretty awesome-for me. Here are pics of the back of my head to prove I was there. I told Glamma to unbutton her blouse and show some skin to get us backstage, but she isn't interested in Australians.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Good Morning Lil' Bro!

Every now and then without my Mom's knowledge. I will just lift up her shirt and give my lil' bro a kiss....or make fart sounds on her belly, whatever.

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Countdown to 2!

I have been getting bothered by all you to update my blog, but I swear this last couple of weeks until I turn 2 have been so slow and boring. To prove to you all. Here is what I have been doing for the last hour. For every meal I have to push my high chair right in front of MY tv in the kitchen and watch my shows. See, I am boring and I promise to give you better updates ASAP. (less than a week until I am 2!)