Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Video Time.

Here is a video of me chatting away. I am like a parrot and repeat everything Mom & Dad say, which sometimes isn't the best thing for OscarKat nor anyone to hear. Mom made this video especially for Uncle Chris, I use to say his name no I add a little twist to it. (twist of the jawbone that is)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Monkey See-Monkey Do

Happy Father's Day Dads out there! Mom & I woke up this morning and made Dad a gourmet breakfast of Pilsbury cinnamon rolls. My Dad was using a knife to butter the rolls with the icing, then licking all the icing off. I thought I should try it new favorite scary past-time.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Suburban Life

Well, we are all settled in and it has been a busy. This is a paper that comes to my front door every morning, and pretty much sums up the week.

I will actually be 2 years old, 2 months from today....yeah, 22 months old. Geez, those months creep up on you. Here is my new stair shot.

I am off to enjoy my backyard full of GRASS! I am still getting use to that, birds, bunnies, squirrels and the most famous creature out here, the "suburbanite."

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Moving on Out

Yesterday I left my windy city of Chicago for the western suburbs. Here I am playing in the moving truck. I promise to update the blog tomorrow when Mom figures out where she packed her camera.....

Sunday, June 08, 2008


I can't wait until I have carpet in my I don't have to go in the hallway to lay down and read my books.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bed Blogging

Since my Mom has packed up all my toys, all I can enjoy these last days before the move is - TV and a Blackberry....I guess I am my Mom's son!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

High Times

I like to climb up all the boxes in my house and watch the Cubs game from the highest point.
Not only does the high attitude, but also hoping for a Cubs win is a great rush of adrenaline.