Monday, January 11, 2010

Let's Go Blackhawks!

Oscar went to his first Blackhawks game Sunday night.
He brought the first loss witnessed by a Kat member in 2 years.
Yeah, we aint bringing him back to the United Center for a while.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Snow Day - Part Duex.

Yep, the snow storm of ten. yeah, that is right. I am calling this year "10."
This time we brought Hendo outside to enjoy it!

Here is Oscar on his playset, why this kid thinks he can climb up this slide in snow amazes me....but he actually almost did!

Here we are enjoying the swings in 20 degree weather....ahh LOVE Chicago!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Holy Updates! Merry New Year!

Sorry, the holidays came, and went. Here is what is going on in a nutshell and then you get to see cute pics of my adorable kids. Hendrix is walking and Oscar is potty trained!

And we got a ton of snow!

Uncle Chris and Aunt Amy got Oscar a "MAX" costume/pjs!

Someone is VERY confident at his stabilization skills at CeCe's and we caged Oscar there.

And a cute pic of Hendo enjoying some applesauce.